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Friends of Plymtree School

Friends of Plymtree School or F.O.P.S. are a charitable organisation made up of staff and parents who meet regularly and organise various fundraising events, providing additional funds for the school.

FOPS have redeveloped the outside learning area, assisted with transport for swimming gala's, paid for trips to the theatre, art supplies, IT equipment, cameras, music, plays, subscriptions to teaching resources and much much more.  

Your FOPS Committee

  • President: Emma Postlethwaite
  • Chair: Kelly Le Page
  • Treasurer: Shane Martin
  • Secretary: Emma Board

Please do come along to our next meeting, everyone is welcome, details of our next meeting are below with the previous minutes. Alternatively we'd love to speak to you in the playground after school or do email us at  friendsofplymtreeschool@gmail.com

Friends of Plymtree School

Friends of Plymtree School or F.O.P.S. are a charitable organisation made up of staff and parents who meet regularly and organise various fundraising events, providing additional funds for the school.

FOPS have redeveloped the outside learning area, assisted with transport for swimming gala's, paid for trips to the theatre, art supplies, IT equipment, cameras, music, plays, subscriptions to teaching resources and much much more.  

Your FOPS Committee

  • President: Emma Postlethwaite
  • Chair: Rowan Parker
  • Vice Chair: Claire McCandlish
  • Treasurer: Georgie Cole
  • Secretary: Sarah Hume

Please do come along to our next meeting, everyone is welcome, details of our next meeting are below with the previous minutes. Alternatively we'd love to speak to you in the playground after school or do email us at  friendsofplymtreeschool@gmail.com

Friends of Plymtree School

Friends of Plymtree School or F.O.P.S. are a charitable organisation made up of staff and parents who meet regularly and organise various fundraising events, providing additional funds for the school.

FOPS have redeveloped the outside learning area, assisted with transport for swimming gala's, paid for trips to the theatre, art supplies, IT equipment, cameras, music, plays, subscriptions to teaching resources and much much more.  

Your FOPS Committee

  • President: Emma Postlethwaite
  • Chair: Rowan Parker
  • Vice Chair: Claire McCandlish
  • Treasurer: Georgie Cole
  • Secretary: Sarah Hume

Please do come along to our next meeting, everyone is welcome, details of our next meeting are below with the previous minutes. Alternatively we'd love to speak to you in the playground after school or do email us at  friendsofplymtreeschool@gmail.com

FOPS Meetings

Friends Of Plymtree School Committee Meetings are held at the start of every half term and our Annual General Meeting is held in September each year.

Please don’t be shy if you are thinking of coming along to a meeting we would love to see you, we really value help no matter how large or small so don’t worry if you don’t have a huge amount of spare time, every little helps! Our committee wouldn’t be able to run without all the hardwork of the parents, and teaching staff involved.  

Please follow us on facebook if you use it - search for ‘Friends of Plymtree School FOPS’.  We post regularly about events, reminders and other useful school information.

Please feel free to catch any of us in the playground or email us at friendsofplymtreeschool@gmail.com

Aims of FOPS

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