British values
Promoting Fundamental British Values
At Plymtree the pupils take an active role in decision making for the school. The children use a democratic voting system to elect their school council. Using a democratic voting system across the school new resources are purchased; for example the pupils were included in selecting new books for the school. The School Council take an active role in meeting monthly and liaising with Heads of Schools regarding decision making for Charity days, Educational days, Curriculum studies and School visits.
We actively plan visits from our Community Police officers to work with the children; to raise pupil’s awareness of the law in Britain and their role as good citizens of today and the future.

The pupils at Plymtree follow the Devon agreed syllabus for the delivery of RE within the curriculum. Teaching uses a wide variety of sources to help pupils understand a range of faiths. Within daily worship the pupils take an active lead in Key Stage and Whole school worship.
Throughout the curriculum pupils experience opportunities to debate and discuss at length points of view; the Spartans and the Athenians in Ancient Greece, characters in narratives, global environmental issues, geographical development issues to name just a few.
Children's ethos committee
We have a children's ethos committe who are voted for by their peers. The children meet regularly with Reverend Judith. They write collaborative prayers, give feedback on our worship and promote our Christian ethos.
School council
At the start of each year, every year group has a democratic election for their school council members. The school council meet regularly to discuss ways in which they can work together to support life at Plymtree. Once a term they run a healthy tuck shop in collaboration with the voluntary